Say Yes to More Leisure Time

Does just the thought of Leisure make your heart sing?

Say Yes to Leisure
Say Yes to More Leisure Time

What would happen if you kept the feeling of Leisure in your presence throughout the day?  Would you find that your thoughts, feelings and activities would take on a different tone?  Perhaps just the idea would lift your spirits.  And this very act could attract more luck to you.  Others would receive your good vibes, be more attracted to your sense of well being and offer their support and friendship.  Could this build a bond between you and easy solutions, rather than every action being so difficult?  Might many of your so-called problems lose their potency, seeing them with fresh new eyes?

Take the challenge!  Hold Leisure in your presence and see what results.  By going about your day in a more Leisurely manner you might find that you begin enjoying your life and also get more accomplished.  When we’re with the flow, there seems to be less bumps in  the road.  Who’d of thought :-)

Make Leisure your mantra.

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