2011 Forecast – A Year of Passions, Potential & Purpose

What an exciting year!!! You hold in your hand a magic wand – along with dedication, focus, and commitment – to create  a fresh new and healthier lifestyle.

This year we will have many inspirational ideas (11) and the ability to give them form (2011 = 4).  2+0+1+1 = 4.  According to Numerology, 4 represents building – laying the foundation for a new life plan.   In 1876 the first telephone patent was taken out by Alexander Bell – a perfect example of a 4 year where slow and careful building expressed itself in permanent and useful terms.

If your new vision is important enough, be willing to do the necessary work.

Lose the fear and replace it with faith, then anything is possible!  Fear comes from uncertainty.  Once you clarify your goals, the navigation will become clear.

Keep yourself focused on those things you want to improve in 2011.  Let your values guide you.

Step out of your comfort zone, there’s a bigger world out there than you can imagine and it’s waiting to be explored.


~ Simplify:  Eliminate activities that do not represent your values (your natural gifts and passions)

~ Focus:  Whatever you are involved in, whether creating web content, washing the dishes or listening to another, give it your full attention.

~ Commit:   When you commit, commit whole-heartedly!  What you commit to, should reflect your values – Only! Wishy-washy will never do, or waiting to see if you feel like it.

Look at your life as a blank slate.  Beginning as a rough draft, enter only what is truly important.  Let your wildest dreams prevail!  Remain grounded, but not stuck.  Keep flexible, yet not scattered and let the ride begin.

“Life is a daring adventure or nothing”  Helen Keller

Unlimited Possibilities

Today I will remember that when I think without limits, the entire world is open to me. ~ LRS

In what ways do you limit yourself?  Take a brief moment to really think about this question.

Quickly jot down on a piece of paper anything that comes to your mind and heart.  Do you limit your self expression believing no one wants to hear what you have to say or your artistic ability because you compare yourself to other artists.   Perhaps you refrain from living your passions because you think expressing your passions is not living responsibly.

Now take a moment to envision what living without limits would look like.  If anything is possible, which it truly is, what would your next thought or action be?  Do I detect a smile on your face  :-)

Three Desires For Life Fulfillment

After taking a pole with many of my clients, I find that no matter their age (ranging from 18- 90) they all have the very same three desires in life.  Can you imagine what they would be?

#1 – Their Purpose:  What did I come in to this life to manifest and live out?

#2 – To Understand and Live Their Passions:  What has really excited me in the past and am still passionate about now?  Or perhaps new ideas not yet experienced, but none the less are heart-felt desires.

#3 – To Contribute Back:  How can I use my Passions and Purpose as a means to give back?

This is the time to live Your life to it’s fullest, not someone else’s.  Stop right now!  Express to a friend and/or loved one your passionate desires on how you plan to live your Life’s Purpose.  Don’t be shy!

Healthy Relating

What is your idea of  healthy relationships?  Is it one that’s nurturing, supportive and empowering?  One that allows you to excitedly share all of your crazy ideas without judgement.  One that cares enough to talk over disagreements and misunderstandings so they don’t fester and cause resentment later.  One that enjoys the sharing of each other’s recent activities and listens intently.

Please take a few moments right now to journal this question.  It’s perfectly alright for some of your ideas to represent what no longer works………..to get to what does work.

December will be a wonderful month to redefine how you wish to relate to others and how you wish others to relate to you. According to Numerology, December is a 6 universal month which will bring our focus to Loving Relationships, Community, Education, and Health.

Enjoy the Love & Sharing  :-)

November 22nd

According to Numerology, 22 is a Master Number and is written 22/4.  It represents unlimited power with dreams taking form leaving tangible achievements.

I always use the 22nd day as if I am the master builder with my motives being more Universal rather than just personal.  For example, I may decide to organize a Heartstorming group to support each other’s dreams and passions.  Or I may receive an on-line invitation to become a member of a sustainability organization.  Perhaps I devise a practical solution to one of my mole hills that I’ve made into a mountain :-)  Maybe I launch a new project or business that I’ve been building.  Or simply getting some of my affairs in order (that I’ve put off) so as to free me up in a larger way.

This is truly a day of Infinite Possibilities and a day to live your Purpose, Passions and Potential.  Go for it!

I’d love to hear back how you intend to use this opportunity from a more Spiritual and Idealistic angle?

The Beach

Upon arriving, I peer out the window of my old school hopeful and full of promise that my limiting thoughts of the past several days will be washed away.

The feel of the soft sand on my bare feet takes me straight to my heart.  I take a deep breath and slowly sigh.  The walls of my  old school begin melting away with the sun’s warmth and brilliance and I am back to my heart’s connection.

Even though the old school no longer works, I periodically attempt to relive it in agony and frustration thinking old and outdated thoughts.  But here at the ocean’s edge I am able to see my home of truths where newness and spontaneity live.

Am I Happy?

Am I happy? Don’t know.  What defines happiness?  An enjoyable activity, a new possession or anticipation of a vacation?

Am I happy? Don’t know.  Ask me next hour as perceptions may change with each moment.

Am I happy?  Stop, I Do Know!  Happiness does not depend on ever changing emotions, happiness does not come from things and situations.  Happiness originates in the intimate relationship with yourself and others, in living from your heart, from your positive thoughts, in the small everyday things, from taking your passions and replicating them into a lifestyle which includes compassion for others.

Ask yourself – When am I the happiest? Then……………………………..do more of that.  It’s rather simple, yet life changing. You will slowly but surely begin to line up with your true Life’s Purpose.  That’s all, just live your joys!!!

Am I happy?  Yes I am!

Don’t Worry Too Much It Will Happen To You

Have you ever met up with someone that you immediately connect with on a soul level?  On a level so deep that you can’t find words to convey?  So powerful that it knocks you off track?  So intense that you don’t know whether to laugh or cry? If not, don’t worry too much it will happen to you!

A small voice in you says I recognize you from long ago.   I remember feeling this way, without all the shoulds, the protective walls; a carefree childlike-ness that bubbles up from your core. If not, don’t worry too much it will happen to you!!

You are OK with feeling vulnerable because you feel safe – no fears.  You are OK with letting go of control because you are healing lifetimes of struggle.  You are OK with revealing the skeletons in your closet because you feel such openness.  Don’t worry too much it will happen to you!!!

As a life coach I hear so many transformational stories related to reconnecting with your Passions, Potential and Life Purpose – feeling unlimited possibilities.   Above is a personal story when it happened to me!

Create Your Best Life

Did you know that 2010 is a “3″ Universal Year according to Numerology?  Did you know that the influence of the number 3 helps us to live our Joys, by connecting with our truths and our life purpose – and also reminds us to use Kindness as our motivation and means?  This isn’t just pie-in-the-sky thinking … it can be your reality if you choose!  Just look around and you’ll see books that support this influence, such as:  The Power Of Kindness, Happier, The Luck Factor, and publications like Ode Magazine, as well as conversations that revolve around: finding your passion, living your dreams, key to happiness, life satisfaction and authentic self.

Following are three suggested steps I use in Personal Mapping:

1. Infinite Possibilities: Knowing you can be or have anything you choose. “If you have the ability to imagine it, this universe has the ability and resources to deliver it.”

2. Self Assessment: What are your natural talents, unique gifts and passions?  What is your ultimate purpose in life?  I use Numerology as one of a number of tools that can help answer these questions.

3. Build a Lifestyle Plan/ Personal Map: With this heightened awareness of your passions and talents, a fresh, new lifestyle plan can be created.  With a plan, it will become more clear to you how you can incorporate Joy and Purpose into your relationships, your work, your spiritual practices, your health, your home, your community and your play.

Take the time NOW to begin creating your best life!

What’s worse than being blind?  Is to have sight but no vision – Helen Keller

Being Bad is Good

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Being BAD is GOOD!  If there is one thing we can strive to be “BAD” at, it’s vacillation.  Being good at vacillating causes stress and feelings of being stuck. No one wants that.  Although it’s becoming an epidemic among all of us.  Whatever the issues are, we spend more time going back and forth than if we just did it!

Right Now, this very moment, let’s all commit and hold each other accountable to do 1 (only one) thing we’ve been putting off.   Whether it’s a one-time action like telling a loved one you are sorry, or beginning a long-term exercise program, or creating a new and fresh lifestyle Plan.  Take the time now to commit to something that will make a difference in your life.  Do you want 10 or 20 years to go by and still vacillate over IT?

One vacillation I commit to is to spend more time with family and friends without rushing the experience.  At the end of my life, I won’t look back at all of the ‘to dos’ I’ve accomplished, rather I will treasure all the ‘heart moments’ I’ve had.

What vacillation will you commit to eliminating?  I’d love to hear back :-)

“Only those who are willing to risk going too far will be able to find out how far one can go.”

~T. S. Elliott