Clarity and Direction Are Within Your Reach

Don’t give up now.  You are almost there!

Clarity & Direction
Clarity & Direction

Would a long distanced runner stop a few inches in front of the finish line and say “I don’t deserve this, it’s far too scary” or have doubts they made the wrong decision?   Now that there is momentum, why would they retreat?

The same holds true with you.  The ideas and insights you are receiving have momentum and movement.  They have already been birthed.  Now they are energized, growing and moving forward.  That is unless your fears and uncertainties stop them in their tracks or your overly analytical mind attempts to rationalize your heart’s desires.

Don’t allow this to happen!  As we get closer to March, we will begin feeling a slight nudge reminding us to have faith in ourselves. Our mental boundaries will be at an all-time low allowing our heart and intuitive guidance to emerge.   If you need confirmation that you are on the right track or guidance in general, you are about to receive it.  Big Time!!!

Take the time for meditation, prayer, journaling, nature walks and rest.  You’ll never feel more alive as you receive Life and all it’s abundance – revealing insightful information.

These insights represent your Passions, Potential and Life’s Purpose.  They are your Truths!  They are your unique identity, your calling, your natural gifts, your talents, and your authentic self. They are propelling you forward – to take the first step.  These baby steps will multiply and gain speed as you speak these truths to others, sharing your uniqueness with love and compassion.

We are all on our way – discovering a Path of Purpose with Infinite Opportunities.

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