2011 Forecast – A Year of Passions, Potential & Purpose

What an exciting year!!! You hold in your hand a magic wand – along with dedication, focus, and commitment – to create  a fresh new and healthier lifestyle.

This year we will have many inspirational ideas (11) and the ability to give them form (2011 = 4).  2+0+1+1 = 4.  According to Numerology, 4 represents building – laying the foundation for a new life plan.   In 1876 the first telephone patent was taken out by Alexander Bell – a perfect example of a 4 year where slow and careful building expressed itself in permanent and useful terms.

If your new vision is important enough, be willing to do the necessary work.

Lose the fear and replace it with faith, then anything is possible!  Fear comes from uncertainty.  Once you clarify your goals, the navigation will become clear.

Keep yourself focused on those things you want to improve in 2011.  Let your values guide you.

Step out of your comfort zone, there’s a bigger world out there than you can imagine and it’s waiting to be explored.


~ Simplify:  Eliminate activities that do not represent your values (your natural gifts and passions)

~ Focus:  Whatever you are involved in, whether creating web content, washing the dishes or listening to another, give it your full attention.

~ Commit:   When you commit, commit whole-heartedly!  What you commit to, should reflect your values – Only! Wishy-washy will never do, or waiting to see if you feel like it.

Look at your life as a blank slate.  Beginning as a rough draft, enter only what is truly important.  Let your wildest dreams prevail!  Remain grounded, but not stuck.  Keep flexible, yet not scattered and let the ride begin.

“Life is a daring adventure or nothing”  Helen Keller

10 Replies to “2011 Forecast – A Year of Passions, Potential & Purpose”

  1. I just consciously told myself today is the first day moving forward with a blank slate. I want to really let go of everything I’ve accomplished, completed, created and not carry it all with me into the next phase. I’m really excited for 2011 and look forward to seeing if I can just allow the path to unfold without doing, pushing and trying to make anything happen. Thanks for your message.


  2. Hi Vicki,

    As long as we’ve been friends, I’ve always enjoyed reading and gleaning from your spoken and written words. It’s always what I need to hear at the appropriate time when I’m needing confirmation of what’s going on at a particular time in my life’s journey.

    I love this new site you are doing now and how many more people can get to it and learn about themselves more easily with your expertise, and words of wisdom.

    Thanks for the clarification of the adventure of 2011!

    Love, Alice

  3. What an exciting year this one is! I’m working on my planning now and am trying to stay focused on what is most important in that moment…and the next. This has naturally lead to a more simple life filled with things that are for my higher good. It is really like an Ah-Ha! Why didn’t I start this sooner? Either way planning is fun and so is getting rid of what dosen’t matter so there is more room for what I want from life. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  4. Thanks for your encouragement Alice. I believe you’ll find this year to be one of your most Joyous and Heartfelt thus far – living your true life’s purpose.

  5. I love your ideas of releasing everything you’ve accomplished, completed and created. I shall use this myself.
    Thank you Jess.

  6. “Let your values guide you” is a great mantra for the year — for a lifetime, really. I put those precious little words on a card in my office to remind me, moment by moment, to do a “value check” on my thoughts and actions. I appreciate how you break it down to what matters, Vicki — Simplify, Focus and Commiit. Eliminate what isn’t serving, focus on what does — and COMMIT to it. Thanks for your simple truths to aid in aligning my life with my core values!

  7. Thanks Shar – much success to you as you proceed through this year and beyond living your truths!

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